It was getting late, the river waves began to soothe. The sky grew grey, and softley began to rain A young lion cub named Taka lay down on a rock near the river. There he cried, for he just left his family because he father marked him with a scar. He thought by lying near the river he would calm down, but he kept thinking of his beautiful mother and his brother Mufasa.
Suddenley, the river waves began to pick up the pace. Taka watched fish jump up and down out of the river. He lay on his back, and watch the birds in the sky fly in a "v" shape. It began to rain heavy now.
Taka sighed. "What am I going to do? I'm only a young cub. I can't be living out on my own!!" He sat up. "My mane isn't even grown in yet." He lay on his stomach. "And this stupid rock isn't comptorable at all...I wish i was still at Pride Rock." Then he thought for a minute. He couldn't go back. He shrugged. "I...i, guess that now i should TRY and to get some sleep!" He hid his face in his paws, and closed his eyes, gentley."
Suddenley, a distant scream was heard. When Taka heared this, he jumped up. He turned his head back and fourth, fastly. "Help! Aaaaa!!" Taka could tell that a young lioness was screaming. But why? Then, he began to hear splashing noises.
The lioness is IN in river!!! Though Taka. He stood at the edge of the river, looking both ways. The screams were coming closer, and closer.
"I'm here! Hold on!!" Taka called.
"Papa?!" The lioness called.
Taka had no time to respond. Then out of the water, came the young lioness, splashing for her life, her glowing red eyes going crazy.
She was on the other side of the river. Taka couldn't swim!
I have to save her!!! He thought and then he jumped in the river. The waves were pushing him foward. The lioness soon disapered under the water. Taka then went under. A few seconds past. Suddenley Taka popped out of the water, carrying the lioness in his mouth. Then he jumped out of the river and dropped the lioness gentley on the ground.
She opened her eyes softly and began to cough. "Where...where am I?"
"Your safe...in the Pridelands." said Taka.
"The Pridelands? Oh..." The lioness started crying.
Taka got closer to her. She then put her neck under his.
"A...hug?" Taka asked.
"It's for saving me." The lioness smiled as tears strolled down.

Taka smiled back.
"By the way...I'm Zira."
"Oh." said Taka. "My names uhm...Scar."